Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Creative Genius – Michael Jackson

There are two camps of thought on Michael Jackson. There are those that are in the first camp that claim he was a brilliant and misunderstood human being. One whose music, lyrics, and body of work show a vulnerable and compassionate human being, deeply effected by public opinion and media scrutiny. People from Paul McCartney to Deepak Chopra align themselves with this line of thought. Then there is the other camp.

We’re deeply saddened by the loss of this one of a kind individual and plant our stake firmly in the first camp. Groupthink too often (successfully) attempts to rip apart over- achievers. In an unending belief that greatness is too good to be true, the group attack effect is triggered and beauty is made to look ugly. Let’s resist that natural force.

For a look at beauty, check out the unedited version of Michael’s “Black or White” video. The message of the song is classic MJ, and the extended ending includes one of the sickest footwork sessions ever recorded.