Monday, February 28, 2011

Is America about to go broke?

Prices dropped last year. But we still need to invest to protect ourselves from inflation. That's why our retirement-plan investing needs an inflation "tilt." You'll understand why in a few paragraphs.

How bad will future inflation be? I don't know. Neither does anyone else. It could be a normal inflation of 3% to 4% a year. It could also be a banana-republic 10% a month.

What we know is that all governments make promises they can't fulfill. Our government certainly has. Under both political parties, it has taken promise making to a high art. This is not hyperbole. The figures can be found in regularly published government reports.

Much worse than you probably think

The figures exist, but they are ignored. News reports regularly inform us of the growing federal deficit, projected at a stunning $1.75 trillion for fiscal 2009 and $1.17 trillion for 2010. But regularly reported, less visible government obligations have been growing much faster.

In the four years from January 2004 to January 2008, the Medicare trustees reported that the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare grew by a stunning $10.4 trillion. The average annual growth topped $2.5 trillion.

That was well over the expected formal deficit of $1.75 trillion this year.

In the 2008 trustees' report, the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare -- promises of future retirement and health care benefits -- total $42.9 trillion. In a few days, we should be able to read the 2009 report. It's a good bet that the unfunded liabilities will show an increase in the new report.

Ironically, payroll tax payments are still large enough that the Social Security and Medicare programs don't need every dime. The extra money goes into the program trust funds as Treasury debt. The actual cash is spent elsewhere. Basically, the employment tax has been subsidizing other federal spending. This has been going on since the 1983 "reform" of Social Security, a disaster chaired by Alan Greenspan, later the Federal Reserve chairman.

Today's deficits? That's nothing

Last year's Social Security trustee report estimates that OASDI (Social Security retirement and disability) and HI (hospital insurance), excluding book entry interest for the trust funds, will have more revenue than expenses until 2015. If higher cost assumptions prevail, however, the last year of positive flow will be 2010.

That's next year.

I am not making this up. It is public record. You can see for yourself by examining table VI.F9 on page 191 of the 2008 trustees' report.

When Social Security and Medicare costs exceed their revenues, the Treasury will have to borrow money to cover the shortfalls. When that happens, today's stunning deficits will look small.

That's why our future contains inflation, not deflation.

The upside-down nation

There is another way to see how serious our situation is: Compare the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare with the net worth of every household in America.

According to the Federal Reserve flow-of-funds figures for year-end 2007, our collective net worth as consumers was $62.7 trillion. By the end of 2008, the same figure had fallen to $51.5 trillion. Another year of growth for Social Security and Medicare liabilities would bring total unfunded government promises to about $46 trillion. That's nearly 90% of our net worth.

If consumer net worth fell an additional $5 trillion -- the same amount it fell in the last three months of 2008 -- we'd be broke.

Yes, you read that right.

Government obligations for basic programs would exceed the net worth of every household and nonprofit organization in America.

We'd be the upside-down nation.

The only way out of this is to print more money, inflating the value of assets relative to the amount of debt.

Cutting the expense of investing through index funds alone wouldn't solve the inflation problem. In addition to cutting expenses, we would have to invest a portion of our money in assets that give us a hedge against inflation: Treasury inflation-protected securities, real-estate investment trusts and energy companies.

Would this be perfect protection? No way. But it would give our savings a fighting chance.

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